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Tan Paper and Copper Silk Love Wall Scroll
Red Paper and Ivory Silk Love Wall Scroll
Orange Paper Love Scroll
Crazy Blue and Gold Silk Love Scroll

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Love Vertical Portrait
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Love Vertical Portrait

Abundant in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy an Abundant calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “Abundant” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “Abundant” title below...

  1. Good Health / Healthy / Vigor

  2. Wealth / Fortune / Riches / Abundance

  3. Reiki

  4. Abundance / Prosperous

  5. Year-In Year-Out Have Abundance

  6. Abundance and Prosperity

  7. Mind Your Own Business

  8. Daodejing / Tao Te Ching - Chapter 54

Good Health / Healthy / Vigor

Also suggests being at peace

Good Health / Healthy / Vigor Scroll

康 is a single character that means good health or vigor in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

康 can also mean peaceful, at ease, or abundant in some contexts.

Please note that this is rarely seen alone in Japanese Kanji. In Japanese, it is used both for health-related compound words and to denote the kouhou through koushou eras of Japan.

In Korean, this can also be the family name “Kang” (caution: not the only family name romanized as Kang in Korean).

See Also:  Health | Vitality | Wellness

Wealth / Fortune / Riches / Abundance

Wealth / Fortune / Riches / Abundance Scroll

The title says it all; this word is clearly understood in Chinese and Japanese as well as Korean Hanja.

 líng qì
Reiki Scroll

靈氣 is the title of a healing practice now found globally but with origins in Japan.

Special note: Outside of the context of the healing practice of Reiki, this means “aura” or “spiritual essence that surrounds all living things.” A Japanese person unfamiliar with the practice will take the “aura” meaning.

Reiki is a technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also heals. It can be compared to massage but is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If your life force energy is low, you'll be more likely to get sick or feel stressed. If your life force energy is abundant and flowing well, you become more capable of being happy and healthy.

There is a lot of information available if you want to Google this term - my job is to offer the calligraphy while you can decide if it is right for you.

Note: We are showing the ancient (traditional) form of the Reiki Kanji. I have seen Reiki written with the slightly simplified version and this more classic form. If you want the form of Reiki with the two strokes in the shape of an X on the second character and the modern first character, simply click on the Kanji characters to the right.

Note: 靈氣 is also a Chinese word, but in Chinese, these characters create a word that refers to a smart person or someone with high aspirations. It is not read as a healing method in Chinese.
In Korean Hanja, this can be read as a “mysterious atmosphere” by a Korean who is not familiar with the practice of Reiki (still has a cool meaning in Korean).

Abundance / Prosperous

 fù yù
 fu yuu
Abundance / Prosperous Scroll

富裕 means prosperous, having an abundance, well-to-do, or well-off.

It's a simple word that suggests “you have made it” in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and Korean Hanja.

See Also:  Good Fortune

Year-In Year-Out Have Abundance

 nián nián yǒu yú
Year-In Year-Out Have Abundance Scroll

年年有餘 is a common proverb or wish of prosperity you'll hear around the time of Chinese New Year.

Directly translated character by character, it means “Year Year Have Surplus.” A more natural English translation including the deeper meaning would be “Every Year may you Have Abundance in your life.”

On a side note, this phrase often goes with a gift of something related to fish. This is because the last character, “yu” which means surplus or abundance, has exactly the same pronunciation in Mandarin as the word for “fish.”

This is also one of the most common titles for traditional paintings that feature koi fish.

In China, this phrase might make an odd wall scroll - a customer asked especially for this common phrase which is why it appears here. See my other abundance-related words if you want a wall scroll that will seem more comfortable in Chinese culture.

Note: This can be pronounced in Korean, but it's not a commonly used term.

See Also:  Prosperity | Good Fortune

Abundance and Prosperity

 fán róng fù yù
 hanei yuuhuku
Abundance and Prosperity Scroll

繁榮富裕 is a proverb about “Prosperity and Abundance.”

This presents and reinforces the ideas of being prosperous, a booming economy, well-to-do, well-off, wealthy, riches, and opulence.

While this is the ancient/traditional Chinese way to write this, most Japanese can fully read and understand it. It's also the correct form of old Korean Hanja (though few Koreans of the current generation will be able to read this).

See Also:  Good Fortune

Mind Your Own Business

 yokei na osewa
Mind Your Own Business Scroll

余計なお世話 suggests that you do not give unwanted help or advice to someone.

The Japanese characters break down this way:
余計 (yokei) too much, unnecessary, extraneous, abundance, surplus, excess, superfluity.
な (na) connecting article. お世話 (osewa) help, aid, assistance.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Daodejing / Tao Te Ching - Chapter 54

 shàn jiàn zhě bù bá shàn bào zhě bù tuō zǐ sūn yǐ jì sì bù jué xiū zhī shēn qí dé nǎi zhēn xiū zhī jiā qí dé yǒu yú xiū zhī xiāng qí dé nǎi zhǎng xiū zhī guó qí dé nǎi féng xiū zhī yú tiān xià qí dé nǎi bó yǐ shēn guān shēn yǐ jiā guān jiā yǐ xiāng guān xiāng yǐ bāng guān bāng yǐ tiān xià guān tiān xià wú hé yǐ zhī tiān xià rán zī yǐ cǐ
Daodejing / Tao Te Ching - Chapter 54 Scroll

This is the Mawangdui version of Daodejing chapter 54.

What Tao plants cannot be plucked; What Tao clasps cannot slip.
By its virtue alone can one generation after another carry on the ancestral sacrifice.
Apply it to yourself, and by its power, you will be freed from dross.
Apply it to your household, and your household shall thereby have abundance.
Apply it to the village, and the village will be made secure.
Apply it to the kingdom, and the kingdom shall thereby be made to flourish.
Apply it to an empire, and the empire shall thereby be extended.
Therefore just as through oneself, one may contemplate Oneself;
So through the household one may contemplate the Household;
And through the village, one may contemplate the Village;
And through the kingdom, one may contemplate the Kingdom;
And through the empire, one may contemplate the Empire.
How do I know that the empire is so? By this.
Another translation:
What is firmly rooted cannot be pulled out;
What is tightly held in the arms will not slip loose;
Through this, the offering of sacrifice by descendants will never come to an end.

Cultivate it in your person, and its virtue will be genuine;
Cultivate it in the family, and its virtue will be more than sufficient;
Cultivate it in the hamlet, and its virtue will endure;
Cultivate it in the state, and its virtue will abound;
Cultivate it in the empire, and its virtue will be pervasive.

Hence look at the person through the person;
Look at the family through the family;
Look at the hamlet through the hamlet;
Look at the state through the state;
Look at the empire through the empire.

How do I know that the empire is like that?
By means of this.

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These search terms might be related to Abundant:

Better to Be Happy Than Rich


The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Good Health
kou / kokāng / kang1 / kangk`ang / kang
tomifù / fu4 / fu
灵气 霊気
reikilíng qì / ling2 qi4 / ling qi / lingqiling ch`i / lingchi / ling chi
富裕fu yuu / fuyuu / fu yufù yù / fu4 yu4 / fu yu / fuyufu yü / fuyü
Year-In Year-Out Have Abundance年年有餘
nián nián yǒu yú
nian2 nian2 you3 yu2
nian nian you yu
nien nien yu yü
Abundance and Prosperity繁榮富裕
hanei yuuhuku
hanei yuhuku
fán róng fù yù
fan2 rong2 fu4 yu4
fan rong fu yu
fan jung fu yü
Mind Your Own Business余計なお世話yokei na osewa
Tao Te Ching - Chapter 54
shàn jiàn zhě bù bá shàn bào zhě bù tuō zǐ sūn yǐ jì sì bù jué xiū zhī shēn qí dé nǎi zhēn xiū zhī jiā qí dé yǒu yú xiū zhī xiāng qí dé nǎi zhǎng xiū zhī guó qí dé nǎi féng xiū zhī yú tiān xià qí dé nǎi bó yǐ shēn guān shēn yǐ jiā guān jiā yǐ xiāng guān xiāng yǐ bāng guān bāng yǐ tiān xià guān tiān xià wú hé yǐ zhī tiān xià rán zī yǐ cǐ
shan4 jian4 zhe3 bu4 ba2 shan4 bao4 zhe3 bu4 tuo1 zi3 sun1 yi3 ji4 si4 bu4 jue2 xiu1 zhi1 shen1 qi2 de2 nai3 zhen1 xiu1 zhi1 jia1 qi2 de2 you3 yu2 xiu1 zhi1 xiang1 qi2 de2 nai3 zhang3 xiu1 zhi1 guo2 qi2 de2 nai3 feng2 xiu1 zhi1 yu2 tian1 xia4 qi2 de2 nai3 bo2 yi3 shen1 guan1 shen1 yi3 jia1 guan1 jia1 yi3 xiang1 guan1 xiang1 yi3 bang1 guan1 bang1 yi3 tian1 xia4 guan1 tian1 xia4 wu2 he2 yi3 zhi1 tian1 xia4 ran2 zi1 yi3 ci3
shan jian zhe bu ba shan bao zhe bu tuo zi sun yi ji si bu jue xiu zhi shen qi de nai zhen xiu zhi jia qi de you yu xiu zhi xiang qi de nai zhang xiu zhi guo qi de nai feng xiu zhi yu tian xia qi de nai bo yi shen guan shen yi jia guan jia yi xiang guan xiang yi bang guan bang yi tian xia guan tian xia wu he yi zhi tian xia ran zi yi ci
shan chien che pu pa shan pao che pu t`o tzu sun i chi ssu pu chüeh hsiu chih shen ch`i te nai chen hsiu chih chia ch`i te yu yü hsiu chih hsiang ch`i te nai chang hsiu chih kuo ch`i te nai feng hsiu chih yü t`ien hsia ch`i te nai po i shen kuan shen i chia kuan chia i hsiang kuan hsiang i pang kuan pang i t`ien hsia kuan t`ien hsia wu ho i chih t`ien hsia jan tzu i tz`u
shan chien che pu pa shan pao che pu to tzu sun i chi ssu pu chüeh hsiu chih shen chi te nai chen hsiu chih chia chi te yu yü hsiu chih hsiang chi te nai chang hsiu chih kuo chi te nai feng hsiu chih yü tien hsia chi te nai po i shen kuan shen i chia kuan chia i hsiang kuan hsiang i pang kuan pang i tien hsia kuan tien hsia wu ho i chih tien hsia jan tzu i tzu
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...

100 Years of Happy Marriage1000 Good Moves Ruined by 1 Bad5 Tenets of TaekwondoAbbasAbbiAbbyAbdielAbdulazizAbdullahAbdulrahmanAbhishekAbubakarAbundance and ProsperityAcceptanceAchiAdamAdamantine King KongAdaraAdelAdeleAdelinaAdemAdiaAdrianaAdriannaAdrienAeriAetherAfghanistanAhmadAhmedAhriAidanAikaAileAilsaAimanAimeeAiniAishaAitorAjanaeAjaniAjayAkariAkashAkbarAkinAkiraAkramAkumaAlastorAlayaAleeAlejandroAlekseyAlessiaAlettaAlexAlexanderAlexandraAlexandriaAlexisAlfiAlfieAliaAliceAlijahAlinaAlisanAlizaAllieAllyAlmaAlondraAlvaAlvinAlways FaithfulAlyssaAmadAmadeusAmanAmanaAmaneAmayaAmberAmeiraAmelAmeliaAminaAmirAmitAmonAnadaAnandAndeAndeeAndreasAngelAngelicAngeloAnihaAnjaAnjeAnjuAnn-MarieAnnabelleAnsonAprilAquinoArabellaArchieAreebaAresAriaAriannaAriesArionArjunArloArmanArneArslanArunArvinAshaAsheAsherAshlynAshtonAstroAttilaAubreyAuroraAutomatic RifleAveryAvrilAyanAyannaAylaAyumiAzharAziraAziziAzkaAzraAzuraAzureBaileyBaironBakiBalanced LifeBangladeshBarakBarbieBarraganBartholomewBartolomeBe Like WaterBeauregardBeauty Power WisdomBeccaBelindaBellBellaBelleBenceBenedictBentleyBernadetteBernardBertBessBest Friends ForeverBethBeverlyBharatBhargavBhumikaBibiBirdBishalBlacksmithBlairBless This HouseBlessingsBlood Sweat and TearsBlood Sweat TearsBoazBodhidharmaBohaiBoys Be AmbitiousBraedenBrave HeartBraydenBraydonBreannaBrendaBrettBrigitta

All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Abundant Kanji, Abundant Characters, Abundant in Mandarin Chinese, Abundant Characters, Abundant in Chinese Writing, Abundant in Japanese Writing, Abundant in Asian Writing, Abundant Ideograms, Chinese Abundant symbols, Abundant Hieroglyphics, Abundant Glyphs, Abundant in Chinese Letters, Abundant Hanzi, Abundant in Japanese Kanji, Abundant Pictograms, Abundant in the Chinese Written-Language, or Abundant in the Japanese Written-Language.

71 people have searched for Abundant in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Abundant was last searched for by someone else on Dec 8th, 2024